Download Graphics Library For Dev C++

Previously, I’ve discussed installation & configuration of Winbgim with Dev-C++ here. As devpaks for Winbgim are released, things are now much better than before. This article is designed to help you create graphics programs using WINBGIm and DEV-C++.
Download libbgi.a to the lib/ In order to use the WinBGIm subdirectory of the Dev-C directories. Whenever you #include in a program, you must instruct the linker to link in certain libraries. The command to do so from Dev-C is Alt-P. Choose the Parameters tab from the pop-up window and type the following into the Linker area. Latest stable version. In development versions. Jul 30, 2014 For the Love of Physics - Walter Lewin - May 16, 2011 - Duration: 1:01:26. Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics. Recommended for you. Oct 29, 2011 Micheal main modified BGI library for windows application to be used under MinGW.This BGI library is renamed as WinBGIm.Now you can use all the borland specific functions under Dev-C. Installation: Install Dev-C. I installed from the Version Setup File. Download graphics.h to the include/ subdirectory of the Dev-C directories. Jul 09, 2016 How to install WinBGIm Graphics Library in Dev C 5.7 - 5.11. How To Download & Install Latest Dev - C 5.11 in Windows - Duration: 13:12. C Plus+ 47,853 views.
I have used graphics.h in dev cpp. Though I can't remember the exact steps I used to include it, but I think the below answer is correct. Source: How to configure graphics.h in Dev-C > You can easily solve this problem, DEV-C do support gra. Oct 25, 2011 graphics.h download libbgi.h download How do I use Borland Graphics Interface (graphics.h)? For those of you migrating from Borland, you may be wondering where graphics.h is. Unfortunately, graphics.h is a Borland specific library and cannot be used with Dev-C. Fortunately, a benevolent soul by the name of Michael Main has modified a BGI emulation library. /3utools-review-real-or-fake.html.
Getting Started
Before we start, click here to download the WINBGIm devpak. If possible try and download the latest release from After downloading the devpak, all you have to do is double click on it and let it install itself in package manager of Dev-C++. Once it installs successfully you can see the devpak inside the package manager. See image below.
Devpak allows you to use the pre-made code template for the WINBGIm graphics. To use this pre-made template, follow these steps.
1. From File >New > Project > WINBGIm tab.
2. Choose any template file from these three: WINBGIm (Console), WINBGIm (Without console),and WINBGIm.
3. Choosing WINBGIm will open .cpp source file where you find ready to execute code for the WINBGIm graphics. You can modify the source code as per your choice or let it stay with your own source code. Try adding more graphics functions like circle, rectangle or ellipse to see how things work. Copy the source code below and paste it in your source file.
After copying the code to the source file. Now you are ready to execute it. Press Compile & Run or (F9) to build & execute the code. You’ll see something like the image shown below.
If you see console window along with your graphics program then to avoid this you’ve to select the WINBGIm with no console during project template selection at start in WINBGIm tab.
Now, I’m going to explain the code for you, so you can understand what the code is doing.
initwindow( 640 , 480 , 'WINBGIm Demo' );
This created window of size 640×480 size with window caption as WinBGIm demo. You can change the caption to any text of your choice.
circle (100,200,30);
This function will create the circle at co-ordinates x=100,y=200,with radius of about 30.
Line (60, 60, 100, 200);
Ellipse (200, 300, 90, 150, 200,300);
Similar to the circle function, values passed to the above functions (line & ellipse) will draw the respective geometric shape.
while( !kbhit() );
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
This will close the window when user presses some key on the keyboard.
You have just finished creating your own graphics with WINBGIm without using Turbo C++. I’ve given you enough information to experiment, so start cutting some code. You can experiment with more graphical functions mentioned in this page.
I hope the above information helped. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to post them.
Download required libraries from here
It is a tradition to use Turbo C for graphic in C/CPP. But it's also a pain in the neck. Here we are using Code::Blocks IDE, which will ease out our work.
Steps to run graphic code in CodeBlocks

1. Install Code::Blocks
Make sure you have installed Code::Blocks IDE on your machine. If you don't have this IDE or have any issue with compiler download and install it from here.
2. Download the required header files
We need few files to be included in the lib folder of Code::Blocks.Download the files from here
3. Include graphics.h and winbgim.h
Copy and Paste the graphics.h and winbgim.h files into include folder of Code::Blocks directory.
Path: C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWinclude
4. Include libbgi.a
Copy and paste libbgi.a file in the lib folder of Code:Blocks
Download Graphics Library For Dev C Version
Path: C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWlib
5. Add Link Libraries in Linker Setting
In the Code::Blocks application go to, Settings > Compiler Little microshift vst download.
In the Global Compiler setting, click on the Linker Settings
In Link Libraries, Add and browse to C:Program Files (x86)CodeBlocksMinGWlib and select libbgi.a.
Paste this in the Other Linker Option tab of Linker Settings (i.e. on the right-hand side)
-lbgi -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -luuid -loleaut32 -lole32
Save the setting and restart the application