String.h In Dev C++

String.h In Dev C++ 3,9/5 1881 votes

The C Standard Library also incorporates 18 headers of the ISO C90 C standard library ending with '.h', but their use is deprecated. No other headers in the C Standard Library end in '.h'. Features of the C Standard Library are declared within the std namespace. C String functions: String.h header file supports all the string functions in C language. All the string functions are given below. Click on each string function name below for detail description and example programs.

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  2. C String To C++ String
  3. Libreria String.h Dev C++
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The time.h header defines four variable types, two macro and various functions for manipulating date and time.

Library Variables

Following are the variable types defined in the header time.h −

Sr.No.Variable & Description


This is the unsigned integral type and is the result of the sizeof keyword.



This is a type suitable for storing the processor time.


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This is a type suitable for storing the calendar time.


struct tm

This is a structure used to hold the time and date.

The tm structure has the following definition −

Library Macros

String.h In Dev C Pdf

Bloodshed dev c compiler free download. Following are the macros defined in the header time.h −

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Sr.No.Macro & Description


This macro is the value of a null pointer constant.



This macro represents the number of processor clocks per second.

Library Functions

Libreria String.h Dev C++

Following are the functions defined in the header time.h −

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Sr.No.Function & Description
1char *asctime(const struct tm *timeptr)

Returns a pointer to a string which represents the day and time of the structure timeptr.

2clock_t clock(void)

Returns the processor clock time used since the beginning of an implementation defined era (normally the beginning of the program).

3char *ctime(const time_t *timer)

Returns a string representing the localtime based on the argument timer.

4double difftime(time_t time1, time_t time2)

Returns the difference of seconds between time1 and time2 (time1-time2).

5struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *timer)

The value of timer is broken up into the structure tm and expressed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) also known as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

6struct tm *localtime(const time_t *timer)

The value of timer is broken up into the structure tm and expressed in the local time zone.

7time_t mktime(struct tm *timeptr)

Converts the structure pointed to by timeptr into a time_t value according to the local time zone.

8size_t strftime(char *str, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *timeptr)

Formats the time represented in the structure timeptr according to the formatting rules defined in format and stored into str.

9time_t time(time_t *timer)

Calculates the current calender time and encodes it into time_t format.