Dev-c++ Error 1073741819
Jun 02, 2018 Put - into your calculator and convert to hex - you get C0000005. This is windows generic 'access violation'. I suppose it would be better if you could figure out whether it was make, gcc or pawchk64.exe that was crashing. Oct 13, 2013 I advise strongly against building your project in C:Dev-Cpp. Not only is it just a bad idea to pollute the installation folder, there is a bug in Dev-C that causes projects in C:Dev-Cpp or its sub-folders to sometimes fail to build. Secondly, in general if you have a problem getting a tool to work, it is unwise to be doing something unnecessarily and gratuitously unusual; and I would. I have been learning coding on my own for the past two to three years. I have reached a point where I'm fairly comfortable with python. Like I know the syntax, functions, basic OOP concepts and all. Sep 01, 2017 Kevin is a dynamic and self-motivated information technology professional, with a Thorough knowledge of all facets pertaining to network infrastructure design, implementation and administration. Mar 01, 2009 dev c makefile build error: thomp33. Member #10,721. February 2009. The problem is probably that the libraries are being linked in the wrong order. I have absolutely no idea how Dev-C deteremines what order to link them in however, as I gave up on it as an IDE years ago.
The articles in this section of the documentation explain diagnostic error and warning messages that are generated by the Microsoft C/C++ compiler and build tools.

The Visual Studio compilers and build tools can report many kinds of errors and warnings. After an error or warning is found, the build tools may make assumptions about code intent and attempt to continue, so that more issues can be reported at the same time. If the tools make the wrong assumption, later errors or warnings may not apply to your project. When you correct issues in your project, always start with the first error or warning that's reported, and rebuild often. One fix may make many subsequent errors go away.
To get help on a particular diagnostic message in Visual Studio, select it in the Output window and press the F1 key. Visual Studio opens the documentation page for that error, if one exists. You can also use the search tool above to find articles about specific errors or warnings. Or, browse the list of errors and warnings by tool and type in the navigation pane on this page.
Not every Visual Studio error or warning is documented. In many cases, the diagnostic message provides all of the information that's available. If you landed on this page when you used F1 and you think the error or warning message needs additional explanation, let us know. You can use the feedback buttons on this page to raise a documentation issue on GitHub, or a product issue on the Developer Community site. You can also send feedback and enter bugs within the IDE. In Visual Studio, go to the menu bar and choose Help > Send Feedback > Report a Problem, or submit a suggestion by using Help > Send Feedback > Send a Suggestion.
You may find additional assistance for errors and warnings in Microsoft's public forums. Or, search for the error or warning number on the Visual Studio C++ Developer Community site. /wxdev-c-vs-dev-c.html. You can also search for errors and warnings and ask questions on Stack Overflow to find solutions.
Hfss Error Code 1073741819
For links to additional help and community resources, see Visual C++ Help and Community.
In this section
BSCMAKE errors and warnings (BKxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Microsoft Browse Information Maintenance Utility (BSCMAKE.EXE).
Command-line errors and warnings
Errors and warnings generated by the build tools for command-line options issues.
Compiler fatal errors C999 - C1999
Errors that halt the C++ compiler (CL.EXE).
Compiler errors C2001 - C3999
Errors detected by the C++ compiler (CL.EXE).
Compiler warnings C4000 - C5999
Warnings for issues detected by the C++ compiler (CL.EXE).
Compiler warnings by compiler version
A list of the warnings introduced by each compiler version.
C Runtime errors (Rxxxx)
Errors generated at runtime by the C Runtime Library (CRT).
CVTRES errors and warnings (CVTxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Microsoft Resource File To COFF Object Conversion Utility (CVTRES.EXE).
Expression evaluator errors (CXXxxxx)
Errors generated by the debugger and diagnostics tools.
Linker tools errors and warnings (LNKxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the linker and related tools (LINK.EXE, LIB.EXE, DUMPBIN.EXE, EDITBIN.EXE).
Math errors (Mxxxx)
Errors generated by the runtime floating-point math library.
NMAKE errors and warnings (Uxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Microsoft makefile tool (NMAKE.EXE).
Profile-Guided Optimization errors and warnings (PGxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Profile-Guided Optimization (PGO) tools.
Project build errors and warnings (PRJxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the native C++ Project build system in Visual Studio.
Resource compiler errors and warnings (RCxxxx, RWxxxx)
Errors and warnings generated by the Resource Compiler (RC.EXE).
Vectorizer and parallelizer messages
Diagnostic messages generated by the vectorizer and parallelizer optimization compiler options.
Related sections
See also
C/C++ Building Reference
Debugging in Visual Studio
Dev-C++ FAQ
Click here for Dev-C++ 5 FAQLast update: 27/09/2000
1. When I compile my dos program and execute it,Dev-C++ minimizes and then restore in a second but nothingappears ?
2. When executing my dos program, it closesautomatically. How I can change this ?
4. When I launch Dev-C++ i get the message saying“WININET.DLL not found” ?
5. When I compile a file, I get a message saying'could not find <filename> '
6. The EXE files created are huge. What can i doto reduce the size ?
7.Under Windows NT, every time i launch Dev-C++ i get the message“Failed to set data for”
8.When I try to compile I get: ld: cannot open crt2. o: No suchfile or directory. What can i do ?
9.How can i use the OpenGL library and others ?
10. When i compile a file that contains referencesto Windows filename (like <Mydirmyfile.h>), i get a'unrecognized escape sequence' message ?
11. Is there any GUI library or packages availablefor Dev-C++ ?
12. I am having problems using Borland specificfunctions such as clrscr()
13. The toolbars icons are showing incorrectly.
14. It seems i've found a problem/bug that is notspecified here. What should i do ?
15. When attempting to create a setup program, iget the error 'File BinSetup.exe not found'.
16. How to use assembly (ASM) with Dev-C++ ?
1.When I compile my dos program and execute it, Dev-C++ minimizesand then restore in a second but nothing appears ?
When creating a console application, be sure to uncheck “Donot create a console” in Project Options (when working withsource files only uncheck “Create for win32” inCompiler Options).
2.When executing my dos program, it closes automatically. How I canchange this ?
You can use an input function at the end of you source, like thefollowing example :
int main()
3.After linking, i get the error“C:DEV-C++LIBlibmingw32.a(main.o)(.text+0x8e): undefinedreference to `WinMain@16'
You probably haven’t declared any main() function in yourprogram. Otherwise, try recompiling a second time.
4.When I launch Dev-C++ i get the message saying “WININET.DLLnot found” ?
If you are missing WININET.DLL on your Windows system, you candownload it at:
5.When I compile a file, I get a message saying 'could notfind <filename> '
Check in Compiler options if the direcories settings are correct.With a default setup, you should have :
6.The EXE files created are huge. What can i do to reduce the size?
If you want to reduce your exe file size from 330 Ko to 12 Ko forexample, go to compiler options. Then click on the Linker pageand uncheck 'Generate debug information'. This willremove debugging information (if you want to debug, uncheck it).You can also click on Optimization page and check 'Bestoptimization'.

7.Under Windows NT, every time i launch Dev-C++ i get the message“Failed to set data for”
The is because you are not in Administrator mode, and Dev-C++tries to write to the registry. To get rid of the error message,log on as the Administrator, or uncheck the file associationoptions in Environment options, Misc. Sheet.
8.when I try to compile I get: ld: cannot open crt2. o: No suchfile or directory. What can i do ?
Go to Compiler options, and check if the Lib directory iscorrectly set to:
(for a default installation).
If this stilldoesn't work, try copying the file Libcrt2.o to your Dev-C++'sBin directory.
9.How can i use the OpenGL library and others ?
All the libraries that comes with Mingw reside in the Libdirectory. They are all named in the following way: lib*.a
To link a library with your project, just add in Project options,Further option files :
This is for including the libopengl32.a library. To add any otherlibrary, just follow the same syntax:
Type -l (L in lowercase) plus the base name of the library(filename without 'lib' and the '.a'extension).
10.When i compile a file that contains references to Windowsfilename (like <Mydirmyfile.h>), i get a 'unrecognizedescape sequence' message ?
The Mingw compilerunderstands paths in the Unix style (/mydir/myfile.h). Tryreplacing the in the filename by /
11.Is there any GUI library or packages available for Dev-C++ ?
You can downloadextra packages for Dev-C++ at
12.I am having problems using Borland specific functions such asclrscr()
File System Error 1073741819
Include conio.h toyour source, and add C:Dev-C++Libconio.o to 'FurtherObject Files' in Project Options (where C:Dev-C++ is whereyou installed Dev-C++)
13.The toolbars icons are showing incorrectly.
On some screenresolutions, toolbars icons may show up incorrectly. You shouldtry changing your screen resolution, or disable toolbars from theView menu in Dev-C++/eq-vst-free-download.html.
14. It seems i've found a problem/bug thatis not specified here. What should i do ?
First, you shouldtry doing a 'Check for Dev-C++ update' (in Help menu)to know if a new version has come that may correct this problem.If there are no new version or the problem wasn't fixed thenplease send an email describing the bug to :
15.When attempting to create a setup program, i get the error'File BinSetup.exe not found'.
If you arewilling to use the Setup Creator feature of Dev-C++, you need to
16.How to use assembly with Dev-C++ ?
File System Error 107374
The assembler uses AT&T (notIntel). Here's an example of such a syntax :
// 2 global variables
int AdrIO ;
static char ValIO ;
void MyFunction(.....)
__asm('mov %dx,_AdrIO') ; // loading 16 bits register
__asm('mov %al,_ValIO') ; // loading 8 bits register
Don't forget the underscore _ before each global variable names !
__asm('mov %dx,%ax') ; // AX --> DX